Report an Incident

You can report these incidents through the University of Michigan’s Equity, Civil Rights and Title IX Office.

Learn more about the reporting process for sexual and gender-based misconduct.

You can report a violation of law, regulatory requirements, or university policy to the Office of the Vice President and General Counsel.

You can report these incidents to the Division of Public Safety and Security.

Have a Confidential Conversation

There are a number of resources available to students, faculty, staff, and post-docs who would like to have a confidential conversation. Discussions with representatives from these offices are not considered a formal report to the university and, without additional action, will not result in intervention. All information shared will remain confidential to the extent permitted by law and university policy.

ISR Human Resources

ISR employees who have questions or concerns regarding compliance or employment issues may reach out to ISR Human Resources.

ISR Human ResourcesEmail ISR HR.

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