Daniel Almirall

Daniel Almirall

Research Associate Professor, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research and Research Associate Professor, Statistics, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts


Dr. Almirall develops methods used to form adaptive interventions, also known as dynamic treatment regimens. Adaptive interventions can be used to inform individualized treatment guidelines for the on-going management of chronic illnesses or disorders such as anxiety, depression, autism, diabetes, obesity, or HIV/AIDS. Dr. Almirall works primarily on methods related to the design, execution, and analysis of sequential multiple assignment randomized trials (SMARTs). SMARTs give rise to high-quality data that can be used to build and optimize ATSs. He is also interested in the development of methods for causal inference using longitudinal intervention data in which treatments, covariates, and outcomes are all time-varying. A specific interest in this area has been the development of methods for examining time-varying effect moderation.

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