A. Regula Herzog Young Investigators Fund
Noura Insolera
Research Area Specialist, Survey Research Center
Food Insecurity and Social Safety Net Programs in the Panel Study of Income Dynamics
Angus Campbell Scholars Fund
Taylor Spencer
Doctoral Candidate, Department of Anthropology
A Life History Study of Age at First Birth, Childhood Adversity, and Cultural Success on Chicago’s South Side
Daniel Katz Dissertation Fellowship in Psychology and Survey Methodology
Dominic Kelly
Doctoral Candidate, Department of Psychology
Modeling person-oriented relations between cognition and personality to inform development
Elizabeth Douvan Junior Scholars in Life Course Development
Rita Hu
Doctoral Candidate, Joint Program in Social Work and Developmental Psychology
Social Relations and Ageism through the Lifespan Perspective: Examining Factors and Interventions on Ageism through Social Relations
F. Thomas Juster Economic Behavior Research Fund
Jane Furey
Doctoral Candidate, Department of Sociology and Ford School of Public Policy
Economic Behavior and Educational Attainment Over the Life Course
Garth Taylor Dissertation Award in Public Opinion
Guadalupe (Lupita) Madrigal
Doctoral Candidate, Department of Communication and Media
Anchor Babies, Dreamers, and Family Separation: The Content and Consequences of U.S. Media Coverage of Immigrant Children
Hanes Walton Jr. Endowment for Graduate Study in Racial and Ethnic Politics
Kamri Hudgins
Doctoral Student, Department of Political Science
The Ties That Bind: Race, Trauma, and Political Behavior
James Morgan Innovation in the Analysis of Economic Behavior Fund
Nishaad Rao
Doctoral Candidate, Department of Economics
Local Labor Markets and Wealth Inequality in the United States
Marshall Weinberg Endowments
Jamie Budnick
Postdoctoral Fellow, Population Studies Center
Reproductive Justice through the Climate Crisis: Understanding Women’s Family Planning Practices and Sexual Health Concerns in the Unprecedented Present and an Unimaginable Future
Monika Doshi
Doctoral Candidate in Health Behavior & Health Education, School of Public Health
Perceptions of & Experiences with Mental Health (Care) among Undocumented Latinx Immigrants in a Protracted Anti-Immigrant Era
Asher Dvir-Djerassi
Second year Ph.D. Student in Public Policy and Sociology
The Demographics of Wealth Stratification in America
Erin Ice
Doctoral Candidate in Sociology
Who is taking care of mom? A qualitative study on the unequal division of eldercare among U.S. families
Bobbie Johannes
Postdoctoral Fellow, Population Studies Center
Understanding the effect of PCMH-likeness on preventive care use among older adults
Kimson Johnson
Third year Ph.D. Student in Health Management and Policy and Sociology
The impact of adverse life events on late-life cognitive functioning
Charles Katulamu
Second year Ph.D. Student in Sociology
Fertility behaviors among recent university graduates. A cohort follow-up study in Kampala-Uganda.
Nicardo McInnis
Postdoctoral Fellow, Population Studies Center
Effects of Local Labor Market Conditions at Birth on Later Life Health and Health Behaviors
Michael Murto
Ph.D. Candidate in Economics
The Effect of Student Loans on Academic and Labor Market Behavior
Sarah Patterson
Postdoctoral Fellow, Population Studies Center
What we do (and don’t) know about ADRD family caregivers
Philip Converse and Warren Miller Fellowship in American Political Behavior
Gavin Ploger
Doctoral Student, Department of Communication and Media
Learning about Politics from Social Media? The importance of Informational Comments on News Stories
Rensis Likert Fund in Research in Survey Methodology
Ai Rene Ong
Doctoral Student, Michigan Program in Survey and Data Science
Understanding the recruiting mechanism in Respondent Driven Sampling
Robert Kahn Fellowship for the Scientific Study of Social Issues
Darrell Allen
Doctoral Candidate, School of Education
Disconnect between race-blind policies and race-conscious results: A mixed-methods Critical Policy Analysis of two district Local Control Accountability Plans
Roy Pierce Scholars Fund
Jun Fang
Doctoral Student, Department of Political Science
Where Foreign and Domestic Muslims Come Together: How Global Trade Shapes China’s Local Handling of Ethnic Diversity
Thomas (Tom) O’Mealia
Doctoral Candidate, Department of Political Science
Specifying Measurement Divergence in Violent Event Datasets
Sarri Family Fellowship for Research on Educational Attainment of Children in Low Income Families
Andres Pinedo
Doctoral Candidate, Combined Program in Education and Psychology
Cultivating Latinx Students’ Critical Consciousness and Ethnic-Racial Identity: Ethnic Studies and Educational Achievement
Donor Impact
“This award will have a substantial impact on my research and career. This summer and coming year, I will be able to dedicate more time to my project examining patterns of educational attainment over the life course and related consequences for economic inequality. This research will form part of my dissertation, which I hope will contribute to sociological knowledge and policy change. In my research and my career, I hope to examine how policies can mitigate inequality and increase social mobility and this funding will provide me with support to continue work I am passionate about. I am so grateful for this opportunity.”
– Jane Furey
“In my career as an academic, I plan to continue to move us toward answering some of the questions at the heart of the field of political communication. Throughout my graduate career, I have always admired the mission of the ISR that works to make our collective communities thrive. Your gift will bring me closer to completing my dissertation accomplishing my goals.”
– Lupita Madrigal
“Thank you so much for providing the funding necessary to execute this research. The funding will allow me to hire a research coordinator to handle logistics like data management and participant compensation which will give me more time to focus on the most important aspects of the study like methodological design and data analysis. This research will ultimately serve as crucial data for my dissertation which will aid in my pursuit of a PhD. Ultimately, I am just extremely thankful to be granted this opportunity to conduct important research that speaks to important social issues.”
– Andres Pinedo
“I’ve had many ups and downs in my graduate career, but it makes it all worth it knowing that I can conduct my research the way I envisioned. It was really important to me to be able to pay my participants for their time and your donation will allow me to compensate 200 women for participating in my research study! I couldn’t be more excited to begin collecting data!”
– Taylor Spencer
“Without this grant, my research could not be imagined. I am exceptionally appreciative of the significant support from the Weinberg funds which will facilitate my accommodation costs while in Uganda and my travel fare between Uganda and the United States. By being able to be on the research site and interact with the study subjects, this research is going to turn around my experience for a better progress of my current and future works. All this is possible because of this award.”
– Charles Katulamu
“The funding from the Converse Miller Fellowship will support my research this summer. Your award is critically important to completing my project. Without the funding, I would not be able to carry out this research project. Every chance to conduct research, especially with expert faculty at the Center for Political Studies, is an opportunity for me to refine my skills as a researcher.”
– Gavin Ploger
“The funding that I have received from the Weinberg fund will help me complete my first set of interviews with stroke patients and their family members. I am so grateful for your generous support, and for the Institute for Social Research’s commitment to supporting graduate student research. This fund will help me complete a rigorous dissertation, allowing me to grow as a scholar and contribute to research that illuminates the daily lives of many elders in the U.S.”
– Erin Ice