Anne Pitcher
Joel Samoff Collegiate Professor of Political Science and Afroamerican and African Studies, Associate Chair, Department of Afroamerican and African Studies, Professor of Afroamerican and African Studies, Professor of Political Science, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts and Research Professor, Center for Political Studies, Institute for Social Research
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- (734)763-5037
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Anne Pitcher studies the comparative politics of developing countries, especially those in Africa. Her research focuses on urban politics, party systems, and the provision of goods such as housing, water, electricity and health care under authoritarian and democratic conditions. She has conducted extensive fieldwork and survey research in Angola, Mozambique, Kenya and South Africa.
- Anne Pitcher. 2023. States, Markets, and Financial Liberalization in Africa. Africa in World Politics :48-70.
- Heathershaw, John, Anne Pitcher, de Oliveira, Ricardo Soares. 2023. Transnational kleptocracy and the international political economy of authoritarianism. Journal of International Relations and Development
- Monjane, Celso M., Anne Pitcher. 2022. The Elusive Dream of Democracy, Security, and Well-Being in Mozambique. Current History 121(835):177-183.
- Pitcher, Anne, Croese, Sylvia . 2019. Ordering power? The politics of state-led housing delivery under authoritarianism - the case of Luanda, Angola. Urban Studies 56(2):401-418.
- Pitcher, Anne. 2019. Political Parties and Political Economy in Africa's Democracies, 1990-2018. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics
- Pitcher, Anne. 2018. Entrepreneurial Governance and the Expansion of Public Investment Funds in Africa. Africa in World Politics
- Pitcher, Anne, Teodoro, Manuel P, Segal, Jeffrey A. 2018. The Bureaucracy. Institutions and Democracy in Africa: How the Rules of the Game Shape Political Developments
- Anne Pitcher. 2018. The ASA at 60: Advocacy in an Age of Tyranny. African Studies Review 61(3):8-26.
- Anne Pitcher. 2017. Varieties of Residential Capitalism in Africa: Urban Housing Provision in Luanda and Nairobi. African Affairs 116(464):365-390.
- Teodoro, Manuel P., Anne Pitcher. 2017. Contingent technocracy: bureaucratic independence in developing countries. Journal of Public Policy 37(4):401-429.