John Bound
George E Johnson Collegiate Professor Emeritus of Economics, Professor Emeritus of Economics, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts and Research Professor Emeritus, Population Studies Center, Institute for Social Research
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- (734)764-2355
- CV (PDF)
Dr. Bound studies economic, demographic, and policy influences on the labor force participation and health status of older people in the United States. His recent research has also included studies on racial differences in earnings, employment, and health and changes in the returns to higher education. His teaching centers on econometrics and labor economics.
- Arline T Geronimus, John Bound, Landon Hughes. 2023. Trend Toward Older Maternal Age Contributed To Growing Racial Inequity In Very-Low-Birthweight Infants In The US. Health Affairs 42(5):674-682.
- Arline T Geronimus, John Bound, Colter Mitchell, Aresha Martinez-Cardoso, Linnea Evans, Landon Hughes, Lisa Schneper, Daniel A. Notterman. 2021. Coming up short: Comparing venous blood, dried blood spots & saliva samples for measuring telomere length in health equity research. PLOS ONE 16(8):e0255237.
- Geronimus, Arline T, Bound, John, Waidmann, Timothy A, Rodriguez, Javier M, Timpe, Brenden . 2019. Weathering, Drugs, and Whack-a-Mole: Fundamental and Proximate Causes of Widening Educational Inequity in U.S. Life Expectancy by Sex and Race, 1990-2015. Journal of Health and Social Behavior 60(2):222-239.
- Bound, John, Khanna, Gaurav , Morales, Nicolas . 2018. Impact of the H-1B Program on the United States. High-Skilled Migration to the United States and Its Economic Consequences
- Bound, John, Khanna, Gaurav , Morales, Nicolas . 2017. Reservoir of foreign talent. Science 356(6339):697.
- John Bound, Arline T Geronimus, Rodriguez, Javier M, Waidmann, Timothy A. 2016. US Life Expectancy: The Authors Reply. Health Affairs 35(3):550-550.
- Geronimus, Arline T, Bound, John, Ro, A Eun Young, Griffith, Derek , Gee, Gilbert . 2016. Educational gradients in five Asian immigrant populations: Do country of origin, duration and generational status moderate the education-health relationship?. Preventive Medicine Reports 4:338-343. PMCID: PMC4963251.
- Bound, John, Geronimus, Arline T, Rodriguez, Javier , Waidmann, Timothy A. 2015. Measuring Recent Apparent Declines In Longevity: The Role Of Increasing Educational Attainment. Health Affairs 34(12):2167-2173. PMCID: PMC4783133.
- Bound, John, Demirci, Murat , Khanna, Gaurav , Turner, Sarah E. 2015. Finishing degrees and finding jobs: US higher education and the flow of foreign it workers. Innovation Policy and the Economy 15(1):27-72.
- Bound, John, Braga, Breno , Golden, Joseph , Khanna, Gaurav . 2015. Recruitment of Foreigners in the Market for Computer Scientists in the United States. Journal of Labor Economics 33(S1):S187-S223. PMCID: PMC4860810.