John M Brick
Adjunct Research Professor, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research
- Email John M Brick
- (734)764-8354
- Brick, John M, Lee, Sunghee, Flores-Cervantes, I , Norman, G . 2011. Nonsampling errors in dual frame telephone surveys. Survey Methodology 37(1):1-12.
- Brick, John M, Lee, Sunghee, Private: Zahs, Dan, Groves, Robert M., Baker, Reg , Blumberg, Stephen J, Courtright, Melanie , Dennis, J Michael, Dillman, Don , Frankel, Martin R, Garland, Philip , Kennedy, Courtney , Krosnick, Jon , Lavrakas, Paul J, Link, Michael , Piekarski, Linda , Rao, Kumar , Thomas, Randall K. 2010. Research Synthesis: AAPOR report on online panels. Public opinion quarterly 74(4):711-781.
- Brick, John M, Lee, Sunghee, Grant, David , Brown, E Richard. 2010. Growing cell-phone population and noncoverage bias in traditional random digit dial telephone health surveys. Health services research 45(4):1121-1139.
- Lee, Sunghee, Brick, John M, Brown, E Richard, Grant, David , Belin, Thomas R. 2009. Exploring nonresponse bias in a health survey using neighborhood characteristics. American Journal of Public Health 99(10):1811-1817.
- Private: Valliant, Richard L, Brick, John M, Dever, Jill A. 2008. Weight Adjustments for the Grouped Jackknife Variance Estimator. Journal of official statistics 24(3):469-488.
- Brick, John M, Lepkowski, James M. 2007. Multiple mode and frame telephone surveys. Advances in Telephone Survey Methodology
- Brick, John M, Lee, Sunghee, Edwards, W Sherman. 2007. Sampling Telephone Numbers And Adults, Interview Length, And Weighting In The California Health Interview Survey Cell Phone Pilot Study. Public opinion quarterly 71(5):793-813.
- James M Lepkowski, John M Brick, Tucker, Clyde , de Leeuw, Edith D, Japec, Lilli , Lavrakas, Paul J, Link, Michael W, Sangster, Roberta L. 2007. Advances in Telephone Survey Methodology.
- Private: Valliant, Richard L, Brick, John M, Jones, M E, Kalton, Graham . 2005. A simulation study of three methods of variance estimation with hot deck imputation. Survey Methodology 31:151-160.
- Private: Valliant, Richard L, Brick, John M, Winglee, Marianne , Machlin, Steven . 2000. Probability matching of medical events. Journal of economic and social measurement 26(2):129-140.