Elizabeth Eve Bruch
Associate Professor of Sociology, Associate Professor of Complex Systems, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts and Research Associate Professor, Population Studies Center, Institute for Social Research
Dr. Bruch’s work combines statistical models of individuals’ choice behaviors with formal modeling approaches that capture the implications of those behaviors for aggregate social patterns. She has developed “cognitively plausible” statistical models of neighborhood and mate choice, and is applying models from behavioral ecology to understand how individuals adapt their mate seeking strategies to particular romantic markets.
- Bruch, Elizabeth Eve, Newman, M E. J.. 2019. Structure of Online Dating Markets in U.S. Cities. Sociological Science 6:219-234.
- Dellaert, Benedict G. C., Swait, Joffre , Adamowicz, Wiktor L. Vic, Arentze, Theo A., Elizabeth Eve Bruch, Cherchi, Elisabetta , Chorus, Caspar , Donkers, Bas , Feinberg, Fred M, Marley, A. A. J., Salisbury, Linda Court. 2018. Individuals' Decisions in the Presence of Multiple Goals. Customer Needs and Solutions 5(1):51-64.
- Bruch, Elizabeth Eve, Newman, M E. J.. 2018. Aspirational pursuit of mates in online dating markets. Science Advances 4(8):eaap9815.
- Endsley, K. Arthur, Brown, Daniel G., Elizabeth Eve Bruch. 2018. Housing Market Activity is Associated with Disparities in Urban and Metropolitan Vegetation. Ecosystems 21( ):1593-1607.
- Bruch, Elizabeth Eve, Feinberg, Fred . 2017. Decision-Making Processes in Social Contexts. Annual Review of Sociology 43(1):207-227. PMCID: PMC5543983.
- Elizabeth Eve Bruch. 2017. Decision Making in Social Environments/Contexts. Decision Making in Social Environments/Contexts 43:207-227.
- Bruch, Elizabeth Eve, Feinberg, Fred , Lee, Kee Yeun. 2016. Extracting multistage screening rules from online dating activity data. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 113(38):10530-10535. PMCID: PMC5035909.
- Bruch, Elizabeth Eve, Hammond, R A, Todd, P M. 2015. Coevolution of Decision-Making and Social Environments. Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences: An Interdisciplinary, Searchable, and Linkable Resource
- Bruch, Elizabeth Eve, Atwell, Jon . 2015. Agent-Based Models in Empirical Social Research. Sociological Methods and Research 44(2):186-221. PMCID: PMC4430112.
- Bruch, Elizabeth Eve. 2014. How Population Structure Shapes Neighborhood Segregation. American Journal of Sociology 119(5):1221-1278. PMCID: PMC4084600.