Ceren Budak
Associate Professor of Information, School of Information, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, College of Engineering and Faculty Associate, Center for Political Studies, Institute for Social Research
- Email Ceren Budak
- (734)764-3341
- Julia Mendelsohn, Maya Vijan, Dallas Card, Ceren Budak. 2024. Framing Social Movements on Social Media: Unpacking Diagnostic, Prognostic, and Motivational Strategies. Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media 4
- Ceren Budak, Nyhan, Brendan, Rothschild, David M., Thorson, Emily, Watts, Duncan J.. 2024. Misunderstanding the harms of online misinformation. Nature 630(8015):45-53.
- Ceren Budak, Natalie Jomini Stroud, Ashley Muddiman, Caroline C. Murray, Yujin Kim. 2023. The Stability of Cable and Broadcast News Intermedia Agenda Setting Across the COVID-19 Issue Attention Cycle. Political Communication 40(6):827-847.
- Ceren Budak, Lia Bozarth, Robert M Bond, Drew Margolin, Jason J Jones, R Kelly Garrett. 2023. Bursts of contemporaneous publication among high- and low-credibility online information providers. New Media & Society
- Rajadesingan, Ashwin , Choo, Daniel , Zhang, Jessica , Inakage, Mia , Ceren Budak, Resnick, Paul . 2023. GuesSync!: An Online Casual Game To Reduce Affective Polarization. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 7:341.