David P Chock
Visiting Research Scientist, Transportation Research Institute
- Email David P Chock
- (734)764-8360
Areas of research:
- The modeling of the transport and transformation of pollutants in the atmosphere, air quality data analysis and the statistical properties of the US ozone air quality standard
- Environmental epidemiology studying the impact of air pollutants on morbidity and mortality
- Climate science and sustainability, including the role of the transportation sector in CO2 stabilization and well-to-wheels analysis of fuels and vehicle technology
- Consumers’ travel mode choice in the presence of new technology and infrastructure
- Chock, David P, Shen, Wei , Han, Weijian , Chai, Qinhu , Zhang, Aling . 2012. Well-to-wheels life-cycle analysis of alternative fuels and vehicle technologies in China. Energy Policy 49:296-307.