Paul N Courant
Provost Emeritus, Executive Vice President Emeritus for Academic Affairs, Edward M Gramlich Distinguished University Professor Emeritus of Economics and Public Policy, Harold T Shapiro Collegiate Professor Emeritus of Public Policy, Arthur F Thurnau Professor Emeritus, Professor Emeritus of Public Policy, Gerald R Ford School of Public Policy, Professor Emeritus of Economics, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts , Professor Emeritus of Information, School of Information and Professor Emeritus in Service, Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, Institute for Social Research
- Mary C. Noonan, Mary E. Corcoran, Courant, Paul N. 2005. Pay differences among the highly trained: Cohort differences in the sex gap in lawyers' earnings. Social Forces 84 (2): 853-872
- Robert G. Wood, Mary E. Corcoran, Courant, Paul N. 1993. Pay differences among the highly paid: the male-female earnings gap in lawyers' salaries. Journal of Labor Economics 11:p417(25).