Paula Fomby
Adjunct Research Professor, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research
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- (734)764-8354
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Dr. Fomby’s research focuses on family structure change, family complexity, and child well-being. Her perspective considers families as embedded in broader social contexts and considers how extended kin relationships, neighborhood and community cohesion, and school quality condition the ways children experience family change. Broadly, her work emphasizes the causes and consequences of residing in specific family arrangements in the context of high economic inequality, with particular attention to how prior socioeconomic disadvantage constrains family formation and family process.
- Christina J. Cross, Paula Fomby, Bethany Letiecq. 2022. Interlinking structural racism and heteropatriarchy: Rethinking family structure's effects on child outcomes in a racialized, unequal society. Journal of Family Theory & Review 14(3):482-501.
- Stefanie Mollborn, Aubrey Limburg, Jennifer Pace, Fomby,Paula. 2022. Family socioeconomic status and children's screen time. Journal of Marriage and Family 84(4):1129-1151.
- Fomby,Paula, Private: Johnson,David Scott. 2022. Continuity and Change in U.S. Children's Family Composition, 1968-2017. Demography 59(2):731-760.
- Fomby,Paula. 2022. Accounting for Race Differences in How Family Structure Shapes the Transition into Adulthood. Intergenerational Mobility: How Gender, Race, and Family Structure Affect Adult Outcomes :193-228.
- Sastry, Narayan, Fomby, Paula, McGonagle, Katherine A. 2021. Effects on Core Panel Attrition and Fieldwork Outcomes from Selection for a Supplemental Study: Evidence from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. Advances in Longitudinal Survey Methodology :74-99.
- Paula Fomby, Joshua Goode, Truong-Vu, Kim-Phuong, Mollborn, Stefanie. 2021. Adolescent Technology, Sleep, and Physical Activity Time in Two U.S. Cohorts. Youth & Society 53(4):585-609.
- Paula Fomby, Ariane Ophir, Marcia J. Carlson. 2021. Family Complexity and Children's Behavior Problems over Two U.S. Cohorts. Journal of Marriage and Family 83(2):340-357.
- Stefanie Mollborn, Fomby, Paula, Private: Goode,Joshua, Adenife Modile. 2021. A life course framework for understanding digital technology use in the transition to adulthood. Advances in Life Course Research 47:100379.
- Stefanie Mollborn, Fomby, Paula, Private: Goode,Joshua, Adenife Modile. 2021. A life course framework for understanding digital technology use in the transition to adulthood. Advances in Life Course Research 47:100379.
- Fabian T Pfeffer, Paula Fomby, Noura Elise Insolera. 2020. The Longitudinal Revolution: Sociological Research at the 50-Year Milestone of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. Annual Review of Sociology 46:83-108.