Arnold Kelly Ho
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Arnold Ho is an assistant professor of psychology and of organizational studies at the University of Michigan. He is interested in the interplay of individual and societal level factors in the production of group-based social inequality. In particular, much of his current research explores how individual differences in prejudice and anti-egalitarianism interact with perceived threats to the hierarchical status quo to drive behaviors aimed at maintaining inequality. Ho’s research has been published in top academic journals, including the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Journal of Personality, and Psychological Science, and has been covered by numerous news outlets, including the Agence France-Presse (AFP), Boston Globe, Psychology Today, and Time. Ho received his Ph.D. in Social Psychology from Harvard University in 2011.
- Arnold Kelly Ho, Nour S. Kteily. 2025. Using the sociopolitical motive x intergroup threat model of intergroup relations to understand opposition to policies that promote social equality. Social Issues and Policy Review 19(1):e12109.
- Wilson N. Merrell, Nadia Vossoughi, Nour S. Kteily, Arnold Kelly Ho. 2024. Looking White But Feeling Asian: The Role of Perceived Membership Permeability and Perceived Discrimination in Multiracial-Monoracial Alliances. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
- Vossoughi, Nadia, Kteily, Nour S., Roberts, Steven O., Fine, Rachel D., Arnold Kelly Ho. 2024. The role of racial group solidarity in intergroup relations between Black-White multiracial and Black monoracial people. Scientific Reports 14(1):1-13.
- Ho, Arnold Kelly, Kteily, Nour S, Hodson, Gordon , Dhont, Kristof . 2019. Predisposed to prejudice but responsive to intergroup contact? Testing the unique benefits of intergroup contact across different types of individual differences. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations
- Ho, Arnold Kelly, Kteily, Nour S, Rocklage, Matthew D, McClanahan, Kaylene . 2019. Political ideology shapes the amplification of the accomplishments of disadvantaged vs. advantaged group members. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116(5):1559-1568.
- Ho, Arnold Kelly, Roberts, Steven O, Gelman, Susan A. 2019. The role of group norms in evaluating uncommon and negative behaviors. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 148(2):374-387.
- Ho, Arnold Kelly, Chen, Jacqueline M, Kteily, Nour S. 2019. Whose Side Are You On? Asian Americans' Mistrust of Asian-White Biracials Predicts More Exclusion From the Ingroup. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 45(6):827-841.
- Ho, Arnold Kelly, Roberts, Steven O, Gülgöz, Selin , Berka, Jacqueline , Gelman, Susan A. 2019. The Roles of Group Status and Group Membership in the Practice of Hypodescent. Child Development
- Ho, Arnold Kelly, McClanahan, Kaylene J, Kteily, Nour S. 2019. Which group to credit (and blame)? Whites make attributions about White-minority biracials' successes and failures based on their own (anti-)egalitarianism and ethnic identification. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 22(5):631-654.
- Ho, Arnold Kelly, Roberts, Steven O, Guo, Cai , Gelman, Susan A. 2018. Children's descriptive-to-prescriptive tendency replicates (and varies) cross-culturally: Evidence from China. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 165:148-160.