Shawna Jo Lee
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Professor Lee is an assistant professor in the School of Social Work, a faculty affiliate at RCGD, and a member of the Center for the Analysis of Pathways from Childhood to Adulthood (CAPCA). Her research interests include: fathers’ parenting behaviors and their links to child wellbeing; prevention of child maltreatment; and the use of physical punishment by American parents. Dr. Lee’s research agenda aims to (1) increase our understanding of how fathers’ parenting behaviors impact child wellbeing and family functioning more broadly, and (2) use that knowledge to develop evidence-based interventions that promote both fathers’ and mothers’ positive parenting and reduce risk for child maltreatment.
Currently, in a project funded by the United States Air Force, Dr. Lee is developing and implementing a technology-based parenting intervention for men in military families. The main goal of this intervention is to promote fathers’ positive engagement with their new babies through the deployment and reintegration cycle. Professor Lee completed a NIMH-funded predoctoral fellowship at the University of Michigan and was a postdoctoral research scholar at Columbia University. Her research examining fathers and risk for child maltreatment was funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
- Joyce Y. Lee, Shawna Jo Lee, Olivia D. Chang, Analia F. Albuja, Muzi Lin, Brenda L Volling. 2024. Low-income fathers are emotionally resilient: A qualitative exploration of paternal emotions across early parenting. Infant Mental Health Journal 45(6):645-669.
- Joyce Y. Lee, Shawna Jo Lee, Sehun Oh, Amy Xu, Angelise Radney, Christina M. Rodriguez. 2024. Family Stress Processes Underlying COVID‐19-Related Economic Insecurity for Mothers and Fathers and Children's Internalizing Behaviour Problems. Child & Family Social Work
- Lee, Joyce Y., Shawna Jo Lee, Xu, Amy, Steinke, Hannah, Weiland, Christina. 2024. Development, Acceptability, and Initial Implementation of an Interactive Text-Messaging Program for Fathers with Low Income. Maternal and Child Health Journal :1-13.
- Kaitlin P. Ward, Andrew C. Grogan-Kaylor, Julie Ma, Garrett T. Pace, Shawna Jo Lee, Pamela Davis-Kean. 2024. Interactions of gender inequality and parental discipline predicting child aggression in low- and middle-income countries. Child Development
- Joyce Y. Lee, Andrew C. Grogan-Kaylor, Shawna Jo Lee, Tawfiq Ammari, Alex Lu, Pamela Davis-Kean. 2020. A Qualitative Analysis of Stay-At-Home Parents’ Spanking Tweets. Journal of Child and Family Studies 29:817-830.
- Lee, Shawna Jo, Lee, Joyce Y, Pace, Garrett T, Altschul, Inna . 2019. The Associations of Constructive and Destructive Interparental Conflict to Child Well-Being Among Low-Income Families. Journal of Interpersonal Violence :0886260519835872.
- Lee, Shawna Jo, Gershoff, Elizabeth T, Durrant, Joan E. 2019. Promising intervention strategies to reduce parents' use of physical punishment. Child Abuse & Neglect
- Lee, Shawna Jo, Afifi, Tracie O, Ford, Derek , Gershoff, Elizabeth T, Merrick, Melissa , Grogan-Kaylor, Andrew , Ports, Katie A, MacMillan, Harriet L, Holden, George W, Taylor, Catherine A, Peters Bennett, Robbyn . 2019. Spanking and adult mental health impairment: The case for the designation of spanking as an adverse childhood experience. Child Abuse & Neglect
- Lee, Shawna Jo, Albuja, Analia F, Sanchez, Diana T, Lee, Joyce Y. 2019. Early Paternal Support Behaviors Moderate Consonant Smoking Among Unmarried Parents. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 80(1):129-133.
- Lee, Shawna Jo, Albuja, Analia F, Sanchez, Diana T, Lee, Joyce Y, Yadava, Stacy . 2019. The effect of paternal cues in prenatal care settings on men's involvement intentions. PLOS ONE 14(5):e0216454.