James M Lepkowski
Research Professor Emeritus, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, Professor Emeritus of Biostatistics, Adjunct Associate Professor, Biostatistics and Research Professor, Biostatistics, School of Public Health
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- (734)649-8652
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Dr. Lepkowki is broadly interested in new survey sampling methods and applications across a range of disciplines. Methodological research activities include telephone sampling, compensating for missing survey data, and analyzing survey data while accounting for the complexity of the survey sample design. Program research interests include survey and sample design, interviewer behavior, respondent and coding errors, and estimation procedures.
- Marcia Valenstein, Rebecca Clive, Dara Ganoczy, James Garlick, Heather M. Walters, West,Brady Thomas, Hyungjin M. Kim, Daniel Eisenberg, Kipling M. Bohnert, Stephen L. DesJardins, Kara Zivin, Lepkowski,James M, Paul N. Pfeiffer. 2022. A nationally representative sample of veteran and matched non-veteran college students: Mental health symptoms, suicidal ideation, and mental health treatment. Journal of American College Health 70(2):436-445.
- Tuğba Adalı, Ahmet Sinan Türkyılmaz, James M Lepkowski. 2021. Evaluating the Demographic and Health Surveys Mode Switch From PAPI to CAPI: An Experiment From Turkey. Social Science Computer Review 40(6):1393–1415.
- Suzer Gurtekin, Tuba, Lepkowski, James M, Curtin, Richard T, Elkasabi, Mahmoud , Liu, Mingnan . 2019. Randomized Experiments for Web-Mail Surveys Conducted Using Address-Based Samples of the General Population. Experimental Methods in Survey Research :275-289.
- Lepkowski, James M, Zhang, Chan , He, Lirui . 2018. Exploring the Feasibility of Mail Surveys in Urban China. Field Methods 30(4):263-276.
- Lepkowski, James M, Ilhan, Duygu , Oktay, Inci , Nur, Burcu , Fisekcioglu, Erdogan , Lim, Sungwoo , Ismail, Amid I. 2017. Percentage and severity of periodontal diseases in Turkish adults aged 35+ years, 2009-10. Journal of public health dentistry 77(4):325-333.
- Lepkowski, James M, Snow, Rachel C., Bauermeister, Jose A, Harper, Gary W, Musiime, Victor , Resnicow, Ken . 2017. Psychological distress among Ugandan adolescents living with HIV: Examining stressors and the buffering role of general and religious coping strategies. Global Public Health 12(12):1479-1491.
- Suzer-Gurtekin, Z. Tuba, Sunghee Lee, James M Lepkowski. 2017. Comments on "Apples to Oranges or Gala versus Golden Delicious? Comparing Data Quality of Non-Probability Internet Samples to Low Response Rate Probability Samples". Public opinion quarterly 81:243-245.
- Shrivastwa, Nijika , Gillespie, Brenda W, James M Lepkowski, Boulton, Matthew L. 2016. Vaccination Timeliness in Children under India's Universal Immunization Program. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 35(9):955-960.
- James M Lepkowski, Richard T Curtin, McBee, Rebecca Elizabeth, ElKasabi, Mahmoud , Liu, Mingnan . 2016. Effect of a pre-paid incentive on response rates to an Address-Based Sampling (ABS) Web-Mail survey. Survey Practice 9(4):..
- Lepkowski, James M, Shrivastwa, Nijika , Gillespie, Brenda W, Kolenic, Giselle E, Boulton, Matthew L. 2015. Predictors of Vaccination in India for Children Aged 12-36 Months. Advancing Vaccines and ImmunizationIssues, Insights, and Innovations 49(6, Supplement 4):S435-S444.