Taylor Hudson Lewis
Adjunct Research Assistant Professor, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research
- Email Taylor Hudson Lewis
- (734)615-6226
- Lewis, Taylor Hudson, Mendes de Leon, Carlos F., Henderson, K , Clark, C A.M., Aggarwal, N , Beck, T , Guo, H , Lunos, S , Brearley, A , Evans, D , Everson-Rose, S . 2013. Psychosocial Distress and Stroke Risk in Older Adults. Stroke 44(2):367-372. PMCID: PMC3552144.
- Lewis, Taylor Hudson, Mendes de Leon, Carlos F., Guo, H , Lunos, S , Skaruspki, K , Evans, D A, Everson-Rose, S A. 2011. Depressive symptoms and cardiovascular mortality in older African--American and White Adults: Evidence for a differential association by race. Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes 4(3):293-299. PMCID: PMC3097274.