Christopher D Maxwell
Adjunct Research Professor, Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, Institute for Social Research
- Email Christopher D Maxwell
- (734)647-5000
- Maxwell, Christopher D, Salari, Sonia . 2016. Lethal intimate partner violence in later life: Understanding measurements, strengths, and limitations of research. Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect 28(4-5):235-262.
- Maxwell, Christopher D, Garner, Joel H. 2012. The Crime Control Effects of Criminal Sanctions for Intimate Partner Violence. Partner Abuse 3(4):469-500.
- Maxwell, Christopher D, Post, Lori A, Mezey, Nancy J. 2011. Using Capture-recapture to Estimate the Prevalence of Intimate Partner Violence: The Gender Symmetry Debate. The International Journal of Science in Society 2(2):223-236.