Norbert Schwarz
Adjunct Research Professor, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research
- Email Norbert Schwarz
- (734)647-3616
- Schwarz, Norbert, Ellsworth, Phoebe C., O'Brien, Ed , Kristal, Alexander C. 2018. (Mis)imagining the good life and the bad life: Envy and pity as a function of the focusing illusion. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 75:41-53.
- Lee, Sunghee, Schwarz, Norbert, Suzer Gurtekin, Tuba, Keusch, Florian , Liu, Mingnan . 2018. Cross-cultural Comparability of Response Patterns of Subjective Probability Questions. Advances in Comparative Survey Methods: Multinational, Multiregional, and Multicultural Contexts (3MC) :455-475.
- Schwarz, Norbert, Ellsworth, Phoebe C., Chen, Patricia . 2015. Finding a Fit or Developing It: Implicit Theories About Achieving Passion for Work. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 41(10):1411-1424.
- Freedman, Vicki A, Schwarz, Norbert, Carr, Deborah S., Cornman, J C. 2014. Happy Marriage, Happy Life? Marital Quality and Subjective Well-Being in Later Life. Journal of marriage and the family 76(5):930-948.
- Freedman, Vicki A, Conrad, Frederick G, Schwarz, Norbert, Stafford, Frank P., Cornman, J . 2014. Does Time Fly When You Are Having Fun? A Day Reconstruction Method Analysis. Journal of happiness studies 15(3):639-655.
- Lee, Sunghee, Schwarz, Norbert. 2014. Question Context and Priming Meaning of Health: Effect on Differences in Self-Rated Health Between Hispanics and Non-Hispanic Whites. American journal of public health 104(1):179-185.
- Lee, Sunghee, Schwarz, Norbert, Goldstein, Leanne Streja. 2014. Culture-Sensitive Question Order Effects of Self-Rated Health Between Older Hispanic and Non-Hispanic Adults in the United States. Journal of aging and health 26(5):860-883.
- Freedman, Vicki A, Schwarz, Norbert, Conrad, Frederick G, Stafford, Frank P.. 2013. Measuring Time Use of Older Couples: Lessons from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. Field Methods 25(4):405-422.
- Oyserman, Daphna R, Schwarz, Norbert, Uskul, Ayse K, Lee, Spike W. S., Xu, Alison Jing. 2013. How Successful You Have Been in Life Depends on the Response Scale Used: The Role of Cultural Mindsets in Pragmatic Inferences Drawn from Question Format. Social Cognition 31(2):222-236.
- Chandler, Jesse Joseph, Schwarz, Norbert, Morewedge, Carey K, Smith, Robert , Schooler, Jonathan . 2013. Lost in the crowd: Entitative group membership reduces mind attribution. Consciousness and Cognition 22(4):1195-1205.