Stanley Presser
Adjunct Research Professor, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research
- Email Stanley Presser
- (734)647-3545
- Presser, Stanley. 2013. The Gun Control Paradox. Contexts 12(2):68-69.
- Presser, Stanley, West, Brady Thomas, Groves, Robert M., Tourangeau, Roger, Singer, Eleanor, Toppe, Christopher . 2012. Support for the Survey Sponsor and Nonresponse Bias. Public opinion quarterly 76(3):512-524.
- Kreuter, Frauke, Presser, Stanley, Tourangeau, Roger, McCulloch, S . 2011. The effects of asking filter questions in interleafed versus grouped format. Sociological Methods & Research 40(1):88-104.
- Kreuter, Frauke, Presser, Stanley, Tourangeau, Roger. 2008. Social Desirability Bias in CATI, IVR, and Web Surveys: The Effects of Mode and Question Sensitivity. Public opinion quarterly 72(5):847-865.
- Curtin, Richard T, Presser, Stanley, Singer, Eleanor. 2007. Incentives in Random Digit Dial Telephone Surveys: A Replication and Extension. Journal of Official Statistics 23(1):91-105.
- Presser, Stanley, Groves, Robert M., Singer, Eleanor, Tourangeau, Roger, Acosta, G P, Nelson, L . 2006. Experiments in producing nonresponse bias. Public Opinion Quarterly 70(5):720-736.
- Curtin, Richard T, Presser, Stanley, Singer, Eleanor. 2005. Changes in Telephone Survey Nonresponse Over the Past Quarter Century. Public Opinion Quarterly 69:87-98
- Presser, Stanley, Groves, Robert M., Dipko, S . 2004. The Role of Topic Interest in Survey Participation Decisions. Public Opinion Quarterly 68(1):2-31.
- Stanley Presser, Couper, Mick P., Lessler, Judith T., Martin, Elizabeth A., Martin, Jean, Rothgeb, Jennifer M., Singer, Eleanor. 2004. Methods for Testing and Evaluating Survey Questions. Public Opinion Quarterly 68(1):109-130.
- Stanley Presser, Rothgeb, J , Lessler, J T, Martin, E A, Martin, J , Singer, Eleanor. 2004. Methods for Testing and Evaluating Survey Questionnaires.