Richard Price

Richard H Price

Professor Emeritus of Psychology, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts and Research Professor Emeritus, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research


Richard H. Price is Stanley E. Seashore Collegiate Professor of Psychology and Organizational Studies Emeritus, and a Research Professor at the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan.

His research program is focused on improving worker health and productivity. At the Institute for Social Research, he and his colleagues conduct surveys and field experiments testing organizational innovations to improve the conditions of working life. His research has been supported by the National Institutes of Health, the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Joyce Foundation, and the California Wellness Foundation.

Price is a cofounder of ICOS, the Interdisciplinary Committee on Organizational Studies, founding Director of the Organizational Studies Programand founding Director of the Barger Leadership Institute at the University of Michigan.

  • Faul, Jessica Danielle, Weir, David R, Price, Richard H, Miller, Reuben J., Kardia, Sharon R., Weiss, Sarah, Nead, K T, Li, A , Wehner, M R, Neupane, B , Gustafsson, S , Butterworth, A , Engert, J C, Davis, A D, Hegele, R A, den Hoed, M , Khaw, K T, Kilpelainen, T O, Wareham, N , Edwards, T L, Hallmans, G , Varga, T V, Zhao, W , Mi, J , Xi, B , Quinteros, S C, Cooper, C , Sayer, A A, Jameson, K , Grontved, A , Fornage, M , Sidney, S , Hanis, C L, Highland, H M, Haring, H U, Heni, M , Lasky-Su, J , Gerhard, G S, Still, C , Melka, M M, Pausova, Z , Paus, T , Grant, S F, Hakonarson, H , Wang, K , Scherag, A , Hebebrand, J , Hinney, A , Franks, P W, Frayling, T M, McCarthy, M I, Hirschhorn, J N, Loos, R J, Ingelsson, E , Gerstein, H C, Yusuf, S , Beyene, J , Anand, S S, Meyre, D . 2015. Contribution of common non-synonymous variants in PCSK1 to body mass index variation and risk of obesity: a systematic review and meta-analysis with evidence from up to 331 175 individuals. Human molecular genetics 24(12):3582-3594.  
  • Private: Vinokur, Amiram, Price, Richard H. 2015. Promoting Reemployment and Mental Health Among the Unemployed. Sustainable Working Lives: Managing Work Transitions and Health throughout the Life Course :171-186.  
  • Price, Richard H, Vuori, Jukka , Blonk, Roland . 2015. Conclusions for Policy, Practice and Research. Sustainable Working Lives: Managing Work Transitions and Health throughout the Life Course :291-300.  
  • Price, Richard H, Vuori, Jukka , Blonk, Roland . 2015. Sustainable Working Lives: Managing Work Transitions and Health throughout the Life Course.
  • Price, Richard H, Vuori, Jukka . 2015. Evidence based Job Search Interventions for Unemployed Workers and Youth. APA Handbook of Career Intervention
  • Price, Richard H. 2015. Changing Life Trajectories, Employment Challenges and Worker Health in Global Perspective. Sustainable Working Lives: Managing Work Transitions and Health throughout the Life Course :3-16.  
  • Price, Richard H, Private: Vinokur, Amiram. 2014. The JOBS ProgramImpact on Job Seeker Motivation, Reemployment, and Mental Health. The Oxford Handbook of Job Loss and Job Search
  • Private: Vinokur, Amiram, Price, Richard H, Shirom, Arie . 2008. Self-Efficacy as a Moderator of the Effects of Job-Search Workshops on Re-Employment: A Field Experiment. Journal of Applied Social Psychology 38(7):1778-1804.  
  • Price, Richard H, Burgard, Sarah Andrea. 2008. The New Employment Contract and Worker Health in the United States. Making Americans healthier: social and economic policy as health policy
  • Price, Richard H, Grant, A M, Christianson, M A. 2007. Happiness, health or relationships? Managerial practices and employee well being tradeoffs. Academy of Management Perspectives 21(3):51-63.  
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