Robin Edelstein
Professor of Psychology, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts and Faculty Associate, Research Center for Group Dynamics, Institute for Social Research
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- (734)764-0693
- CV (PDF)
Research interests: personality and individual differences, close relationships, social neuroendocrinology, emotion.
- Annika From, Jasmine Banks, Robin Edelstein. 2024. Partner support behaviors and relationship quality in interracial and intraracial Black romantic relationships. Personal Relationships 31(3):796-815.
- Edelstein, Robin Stacey, LaBelle, Onawa P. 2019. Gratitude, insecure attachment, and positive outcomes among 12-step recovery program participants. Addiction Research & Theory :1-10.
- Edelstein, Robin Stacey, Wardecker, Britney M, Kaplow, Julie B, Layne, Christopher M. 2019. Caregivers' Positive Emotional Expression and Children's Psychological Functioning after Parental Loss. Journal of Child and Family Studies :1–12.
- Edelstein, Robin Stacey, Wardecker, Britney M, Quas, Jodi A, Cordón, Ingrid M, Goodman, Gail S. 2019. Emotion Language in Trauma Narratives Is Associated With Better Psychological Adjustment Among Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse. Journal of Language and Social Psychology
- Edelstein, Robin Stacey, Volling, Brenda L, Schultheiss, Oliver C., Chin, Kristi , Saini, Ekjyot K, Kuo, Patty X. 2019. Adult attachment and testosterone reactivity: Fathers' avoidance predicts changes in testosterone during the strange situation procedure. Hormones and Behavior 112:10-19.
- Kross, Ethan F, Edelstein, Robin Stacey, Kaplow, Julie B, Wardecker, Britney M, Layne, Christopher M, Burnside, Amanda , Prossin, Alan R. 2018. Out of the Mouths of Babes: Links Between Linguistic Structure of Loss Narratives and Psychosocial Functioning in Parentally Bereaved Children. Journal of Traumatic Stress 31(3):342-351.
- Edelstein, Robin Stacey, Saxbe, Darby E, Lyden, Hannah M, Wardecker, Britney M, Chopik, William J, Moors, Amy C. 2017. Fathers' decline in testosterone and synchrony with partner testosterone during pregnancy predicts greater postpartum relationship investment. Hormones and Behavior 90:39-47.
- Edelstein, Robin Stacey, Chopik, William J, Saxbe, Darby E, Wardecker, Britney M, Moors, Amy C, LaBelle, Onawa P. 2017. Prospective and dyadic associations between expectant parents' prenatal hormone changes and postpartum parenting outcomes. Developmental Psychobiology 59(1):77-90.
- Edelstein, Robin Stacey, Tashjian, Sarah M, Goldfarb, Deborah , Goodman, Gail S, Quas, Jodi A. 2016. Delay in disclosure of non-parental child sexual abuse in the context of emotional and physical maltreatment: A pilot study. Child Abuse & Neglect 58:149-159.
- Edelstein, Robin Stacey, Wardecker, Britney M, Chopik, William J, Boyer, Margaret P. 2016. Individual differences in attachment are associated with usage and perceived intimacy of different communication media. Computers in Human Behavior 59:18-27.