Sara Konrath

Sara Hope Konrath

Adjunct Research Assistant Professor, Research Center for Group Dynamics, Institute for Social Research


Dr. Konrath’s research explores changes over time in social and emotional traits among American young people. Other research examines implications of these traits for individuals themselves and for other people. For example, she has published extensively on the health and happiness benefits of giving. She also creates and evaluates empathy-training programs for various groups, including young people, teachers, doctors, museums, and other organizations.

Dr. Konrath writes a popular Psychology Today blog (The Empathy Gap) and is regularly featured in media outlets, including the New York Times, Time Magazine, NPR radio, and BBC news. Her forthcoming book is called Culture of Burnout: American life in an age of increasing expectations (Oxford University Press). She is currently a Visiting Professor at the Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study (2020-2021).

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