Robert M Sellers
James S Jackson Distinguished University Professor of Psychology, Professor of Psychology, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, Faculty Associate, Research Center for Group Dynamics, Institute for Social Research, Professor of Education, Marsal Family School of Education and Center Director, UMOR Office of Vice Presidents for Research
- Email Robert M Sellers
- (734)763-0058
Current research focuses on the influence of the interaction between person characteristics and contextual factors on adjustment and behavior. Specific interest focus in two areas. The first area examines the significance and meaning that African Americans attribute to race in their self-definition. This research has resulted in a conceptual framework for the investigation of African American racial identity. The second area of research focuses on factors associated with the academic and social development of college athletes. Particular attention has been placed on the role of individual motivation as well as sociodemographic and structural forces.
- Sellers, Robert M, Hoggard, Lori S, Jones, Shawn C. T.. 2017. Racial Cues and Racial Identity: Implications for How African Americans Experience and Respond to Racial Discrimination. Journal of Black Psychology 43(4):409-432.
- Sellers, Robert M, Chae, David H, Powell, Wizdom A, Nuru-Jeter, Amani M, Smith-Bynum, Mia A, Seaton, Eleanor K, Forman, Tyrone A, Turpin, Rodman . 2017. The Role of Racial Identity and Implicit Racial Bias in Self-Reported Racial Discrimination: Implications for Depression Among African American Men. Journal of Black Psychology 43(8):789-812.
- Sellers, Robert M, Butler-Barnes, Sheretta T, Varner, Fatima , Williams, Amber . 2017. Academic Identity: A Longitudinal Investigation of African American Adolescents' Academic Persistence. Journal of Black Psychology 43(7):714-739.
- Sellers, Robert M, Hoggard, Lori S, Hill, LaBarron K, Gray, DeLeon L. 2015. Capturing the cardiac effects of racial discrimination: Do the effects "keep going"?. International Journal of Psychophysiology 97(2):163-170.
- Sellers, Robert M, Hoggard, Lori S, Byrd, Christy M. 2015. The Lagged Effects of Racial Discrimination on Depressive Symptomology and Interactions With Racial Identity. Journal of Counseling Psychology 62(2):216-225.
- Sellers, Robert M, Oney, Christina , DePaulo, Daniel , Lewis, Rebecca . 2015. Eating behaviors and related cultural attitudes of African American men and women. Health Psychology Open 2(2)
- Sellers, Robert M, Hope, Elan C, Chavous, Tabbye M, Jagers, Robert J. 2013. Connecting Self-Esteem and Achievement: Diversity in Academic Identification and Dis-identification Patterns Among Black College Students. American Educational Research Journal 50(5):1122-1151.
- Sellers, Robert M, Hurd, Noelle M, Cogburn, Courtney D, Butler-Barnes, Sheretta T, Zimmerman, Marc A. 2013. Racial Identity and Depressive Symptoms Among Black Emerging Adults: The Moderating Effects of Neighborhood Racial Composition. Developmental Psychology 49(5):938-950.
- Sellers, Robert M, Ford, Kahlil R, Hurd, Noelle M, Jagers, Robert J. 2013. Caregiver Experiences of Discrimination and African American Adolescents' Psychological Health Over Time. Child Development 84(2):485-499.
- Sellers, Robert M, Hurd, Noelle M. 2013. Black Adolescents' Relationships With Natural Mentors: Associations With Academic Engagement via Social and Emotional Development. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology 19(1):76-85.