Matthew VanEseltine
Assistant Research Scientist, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research
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- (734)763-3835
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Matt VanEseltine is an Assistant Research Scientist with the Institute for Research on Innovation and Science (IRIS), part of the Innovation, Networks, and Knowledge (INK) at the Survey Research Center. Prior to joining IRIS, he served as a research manager in the Population Studies Center (PSC), and a research associate at ICPSR. He earned his Ph.D. in sociology at the Pennsylvania State University, with training in quantitative survey research and criminology. His dissertation focused on life-course criminology that focusing on patterns of crime in early parenthood.
- Savolainen, Jukka, VanEseltine, Matthew. 2018. Replication and Research Integrity in Criminology: Introduction to the Special Issue. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 34(3):236-244.
- Schulenberg, John E, Bachman, Jerald G, VanEseltine, Matthew, Staff, Jeremy, Siennick, Sonja E, Osgood, D Wayne. 2014. Partnership Transitions and Antisocial Behavior in Young Adulthood: A Within-person, Multi-Cohort Analysis. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 51(6):735-758.
- VanEseltine, Matthew, Staff, Jeremy, Woolnough, April , Silver, Eric , Burrington, Lori . 2012. Adolescent Work Experiences and Family Formation Behavior. Journal of Research on Adolescence 22(1):150-164.
- VanEseltine, Matthew, Silver, Eric , Silver, Stacy J. 2009. Tattoo Acquisition: A Prospective Longitudinal Study of Adolescents. Deviant Behavior 30(6):511-538.
- VanEseltine, Matthew, Silver, Eric , Felson, Richard B. 2008. The Relationship Between Mental Health Problems and Violence Among Criminal Offenders. Criminal Justice and Behavior 35(4):405-426.