Brian Weeks
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Brian Weeks is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication Studies and a Faculty Associate in the Center for Political Studies at the University of Michigan. His research focuses on two general topics: (1) how individuals are exposed to, engage with, evaluate, and learn from news and socially shared political information in digital media; and (2) the influence of political misinformation on beliefs and the effects of corrective messages. Weeks has published more than 20 articles in leading journals in the field of communication including the Journal of Communication, the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Human Communication Research, Communication Research, and elsewhere. His research has received awards from the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, the National Communication Association, the American Political Science Association, and the World Association for Public Opinion Research. At Michigan he co-founded the Internet, Communication, & Politics Research Group and is a core member of the Political Communication Working Group.
His teaching reflects these research interests, including COMM 261, Views on the News: What Shapes our Media Content; COMM 410, The Internet and Political Communication; COMM 468, Political Misinformation and Misperceptions (Senior Capstone); and COMM 840, Political Communication (Graduate Seminar).
Weeks received a B.A. in journalism and mass communication and political science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2005, a M.A. in mass communication from the University of Minnesota in 2010, and a Ph.D. in communication from the Ohio State University in 2014. Prior to joining the University of Michigan he was a faculty member at the University of Vienna in Austria.
- Ariel Hasell, Audrey Halversen, Brian Weeks. 2024. When Social Media Attack: How Exposure to Political Attacks on Social Media Promotes Anger and Political Cynicism. The International Journal of Press/Politics
- Zichettella, Brianna, Brian Weeks, Hasell, Ariel. 2024. The Blame Game: The Role of Media Environments and Political Discussion in Americans? Attribution of Blame for Interparty Hostility. International Journal of Public Opinion Research 36(4):edae051.
- Audrey Halversen, Brian Weeks. 2023. Memeing Politics: Understanding Political Meme Creators, Audiences, and Consequences on Social Media. Social Media + Society
- Brian Weeks, Halversen, Audrey, Neubaum, German. 2023. Too scared to share? Fear of social sanctions for political expression on social media. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 29(1)
- Weeks, Brian, Gil de Zúñiga, Homero . 2019. What's Next? Six Observations for the Future of Political Misinformation Research. American Behavioral Scientist :0002764219878236.
- Weeks, Brian, Kim, Dam Hee, Hahn, Lauren B, Diehl, Trevor H, Kwak, Nojin . 2019. Hostile Media Perceptions in the Age of Social Media: Following Politicians, Emotions, and Perceptions of Media Bias. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 63(3):374-392.
- Weeks, Brian, Lane, Daniel S, Lee, Slgi S, Liang, Fan , Kim, Dam Hee, Shen, Liwei , Kwak, Nojin . 2019. Social Media Expression and the Political Self. Journal of Communication 69(1):49-72.
- Weeks, Brian, Garrett, R Kelly. 2019. Emotional Characteristics of Social Media and Political Misperceptions. Journalism and Truth in an Age of Social Media
- Weeks, Brian, Kwak, Nojin , Lane, Daniel S, Lee, Slgi S, Liang, Fan . 2019. From Persuasion to Deliberation: Do Experiences of Online Political Persuasion Facilitate Dialogic Openness?. Communication Research :0093650218793050.
- Weeks, Brian. 2018. Media and Political Misperceptions. Misinformation and Mass Audiences