Robert J Willis
Research Professor Emeritus, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research and Professor Emeritus, Economics, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
- Email Robert J Willis
- (734)936-7261
- CV (PDF)
- Willis, Robert J, Carr, Dawn C, Kail, Ben Lennox, Carstensen, Laura L. 2020. Alternative Retirement Paths and Cognitive Performance: Exploring the Role of Preretirement Job Complexity. The Gerontologist 60(3):460-471.
- Sonnega, Amanda J, Willis, Robert J, Fisher, Gwenith Gwyn, Hudomiet, Peter . 2017. A Comparison of Subjective and Objective Job Demands and Fit With Personal Resources as Predictors of Retirement Timing in a National U.S. Sample. Work, Aging and Retirement 4(1):37-51.
- Helppie-McFall, Brooke, Willis, Robert J, Murray-Close, Marta , Chen, Uniko . 2015. Is It All Worth It? The Experiences of New PhDs on the Job Market, 2007-10. The Journal of Economic Education 46(1):83-104.
- Willis, Robert J. 2014. Expectations, Aging and Cognitive Decline. Discoveries in the Economics of Aging :305-337.
- Robert J Willis, Joanne W Hsu. 2013. Dementia Risk and Financial Decision Making by Older Households: The Impact of Information. Journal of Human Capital 7(4):340-377.
- Willis, Robert J, Hudomiet, Peter . 2013. Estimating Second Order Probability Beliefs from Subjective Survival Data. Decision Analysis 10(2):152-170.
- Willis, Robert J, Fisher, Gwenith Gwyn. 2012. Research Methods in Retirement Research. The Oxford Handbook of Retirement Wang, Mo
- Willis, Robert J, Parker, Andrew M, de Bruin, Wändi Bruine, Yoong, Joanne . 2012. Inappropriate Confidence and Retirement Planning: Four Studies with a National Sample. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 25(4):382-389.
- Willis, Robert J, Hudomiet, Peter . 2011. Stock market crash and expectations of American households. Journal of Applied Econometrics 26(3):393-415.
- Willis, Robert J, Rohwedder, Susann . 2010. Mental Retirement. Journal of Economic Perspectives 24(1):119-38.