Elizabeth Yakel
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- (734)647-3576
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Elizabeth Yakel, Ph.D. is Professor and Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at the University of Michigan School of Information where she teaches in the areas of digital archives and digital preservation. Her research interests include data reuse, teaching with primary sources, and the development of standardized metrics to enhance repository processes and the user experience. One of Dr. Yakel’s research projects is “Dissemination Information Packages for Information Reuse” where she is studying research data reuse and digital preservation in three academic communities: quantitative social scientists, archaeologists, and zoologists. Funded by the Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS), the goal of this research is to identify the significant properties that support both preservation of the bits as well as the preservation of meaning overtime. Her current project, Qualitative Data Reuse: Digital Records of Practice in Education, is exploring the reuse of classroom video by researchers and teachers. This project is also funded by IMLS.