ISR formalizes long-standing relationship with Statistics Netherlands
April 12, 2016
ANN ARBOR—The ISR Survey Research Center signed a Memorandum of Understanding yesterday with Statistics Netherlands (CBS), the Dutch agency that gathers statistical information about the Netherlands.

ISR Director David Lam and Tjark Tjin-a-Tsoi, Statistics Netherlands Director-General sign MOU. Photo by Lee Ridley
The five-year agreement is designed to formalize the nearly 15-year collaboration between the SRC and CBS with regard to Blaise development. Blaise is a computer-assisted interviewing system and survey-processing tool developed by the CBS and widely used in SRC projects.
The MOU promotes collaboration in training international students in survey research methodology, developing new infrastructure to support survey research and testing and promoting Blaise.
“Our organizational goals and interests have aligned more closely than ever with the SRC’s creation of a unit devoted to promoting international outreach, research and capacity building, and Statistics Netherlands’ renewed focus on developing tools and training to further research capacity in resource poor countries. This MOU provides a formal framework for our ongoing collaborations,” said Beth-Ellen Pennell, director of SRC International Survey Operations.
Frauke Kreuter, director of the Joint Program in Survey Methodology (JPSM) will be meeting with Marcel Van Deer Steen, the Statistics Netherlands manager of Innovation and Business Development, to discuss collaborative opportunities in JPSM’s new online Maters Program in Survey and Data Science.
Harry Wijnhoven, CEO of Blaise, was also on hand to discuss the SRC’s review of Blaise 5.0, the latest version of the product.
“There are many things we have to work together with – I’m looking forward to it,” said Tjark Tjin-a-Tsoi, the Statistics Netherlands Director-General.

Representatives from Statistics Netherlands and the ISR’s SRC celebrate after signing the MOU. Photo by Lee Ridley.