ISR to host talk on communicating science to non-academics

April 16, 2013


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DATE:  2:30 – 3:30, April 23, 2013

EVENT:  “Communicating Science in Politicized Environments” is the title of a timely presentation by University of Michigan professor Arthur “Skip” Lupia, designed to help researchers learn how to talk about what they do in a way that is understandable and persuasive to non-academics.

Lupia, a research professor the U-M Institute for Social Research (ISR) and the Hal R. Varian Collegiate Professor of Political Science, has presented his research-based recommendations to a number of other groups, including at the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, D.C.

David Lampe, Executive Director, Strategic Communications, U-M Office of the Vice President for Research, will introduce Lupia and provide background on aspects of the current political and funding climates that make it so important for scientists to communicate effectively about their research.

This event is free and open to the public.

PLACE:  Institute for Social Research, Room 6050, 426 Thompson Street, Ann Arbor

CONTACT:  [email protected]

SPONSOR:  This event is sponsored by the ISR Office of Communications.


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