Jeffrey Morenoff named director of ISR Population Studies Center
August 20, 2013

Jeff Morenoff. Photo by Marcia Ledford, Michigan Photography
ANN ARBOR—Jeffrey Morenoff has been appointed director of the Population Studies Center at the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research (ISR).
“Jeff is an exceptionally accomplished researcher who brings tremendous energy and passion to his leadership of the Center,” said ISR Director James Jackson. “During the winter term of 2014, while Jeff is taking a long-planned leave to work on a new book, former PSC Director David Lam has agreed to serve as acting PSC Director. I am grateful to David for his help, and I also want to express my sincere appreciation to Jeff’s immediate predecessor, Pamela Smock, for her service to the Center.”
Morenoff began his five-year term as director on July 1, 2013.
“I am very excited about becoming Director of PSC, and humbled to follow in the footsteps of so many great former directors,” said Morenoff. “I feel very fortunate to inherit a Center that is a national and international leader in demographic research and training, and that has a superb staff which has already helped me enormously in this transition. I look forward to starting a conversation with the faculty about how to continue to broaden the reach of the Center, develop a new generation of outstanding scientists, and remain on the cutting edge of research on the most important demographic issues.”
Morenoff is a professor in the U-M Department of Sociology, as well as a research professor at ISR. He is co-Director of the Robert Wood Johnson Health and Society Scholars Program at U-M.
His research focuses on neighborhood environments, and their impacts on the health and well-being of youth and adults. He also studies the social determinants of health, crime, incarceration and prisoner re-entry.
Morenoff joined U-M in 1999, shortly before receiving a Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Chicago. He rose steadily through the ranks from assistant to full professor, serving as associate chair of the Department of Sociology from 2005 to 2010.
In 2004, Morenoff won the Ruth Shonie Cavan Young Scholar Award from the American Society of Criminology for “outstanding contributions to the discipline of criminology.”
He is the author or co-author of numerous publications and is the co-principal investigator of two grants from the National Science Foundation. He is a member of the American Sociological Association, the Population Association of America, and the American Society of Criminology.
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