Marshall Weinberg Population Studies Training Program Fund Established to Support Training Infrastructure
December 8, 2020
Ann Arbor – The Population Studies Center (PSC) at the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research (ISR) has received a $1 million gift from U-M alumnus and a prominent investment broker and philanthropist Marshall Weinberg to establish the Marshall Weinberg Population Studies Training Program Fund.
PSC’s training program provides a specialized demographic apprenticeship for predoctoral and postdoctoral scholars at U-M, developing the careers of population scientists who now work in academic, government and other positions around the world. The Marshall Weinberg Population Studies Training Program Fund will provide foundational support for the training program, ensuring that every student is supported and receiving the best research training and mentoring support available, without financial limitations. “Thanks to Marshall’s meaningful support, this fund—coupled with his other generous gift funds in PSC—will provide sustainable and critically needed support for emerging population scientists who are working hard to address challenges such as COVID, health disparities, and climate change,” said PSC Director Sarah Burgard.
This gift builds on the “infinite impact” that Mr. Weinberg’s support has generated for PSC. Hundreds of trainees have received support from Mr. Weinberg’s endowed funds, and they have gone on to share their knowledge with other scholars. “Marshall’s ongoing investments in the PSC training program have already shaped the careers of countless trainees and the success of their research,” said ISR Director David Lam. “The effects of his generosity will be felt in the field of population science for generations.”
The Marshall Weinberg Population Studies Training Program Fund will allow PSC to continue to provide support for students to navigate the program, access powerful data and computing tools, enjoy a dedicated space for their programmatic activities, and travel to conferences and in support of research. This gift will provide core support for the training program, ensuring that every student is supported and receives an outstanding education.
PSC is a world leader in fostering the careers of junior population scholars from a variety of backgrounds, and this support will ensure that the center can continue to create the highest quality population science aimed at stubborn, complex social problems. This gift enhances PSC’s world class reputation for the finest research, data, and scholar production in population science in an evolving funding environment.
To learn more about donor support at ISR, please visit https://isr.umich.edu/giving/