Richard Curtin

Richard T Curtin

Research Professor, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research


Richard Curtin’s research includes conducting monthly surveys of consumer attitudes, expectations and behavior. He calculates monthly indices of consumer sentiment and expectations, one of the nation’s leading economic indicators and studies the impact on economy since 9/11. Dr. Curtin also studies economic forecasting, psychology of consumer confidence and attitudes of U.S. RV owners.

  • Curtin,Richard T. 2022. Psychological aspects of economic expectations. APA handbook of consumer psychology :429-448.  
  • Richard T Curtin. 2022. A New Theory of Expectations. Journal of Business Cycle Research 18:239-59.  
  • Richard T Curtin. 2022. Relative Performance of Business and Consumer Economic Expectations Across EU Countries. Journal of Business Cycle Research 19:95-117.  
  • Curtin,Richard T. 2021. Nonconscious cognitive reasoning: A neglected ability shaping economic behavior. Journal of Behavioral Economics for Policy 5(S3):35-43.  
  • Curtin, Richard T. 2019. Consumer Expectations: Micro Foundations and Macro Impact.
  • Suzer Gurtekin, Tuba, Lepkowski, James M, Curtin, Richard T, Elkasabi, Mahmoud , Liu, Mingnan . 2019. Randomized Experiments for Web-Mail Surveys Conducted Using Address-Based Samples of the General Population. Experimental Methods in Survey Research :275-289.  
  • Richard T Curtin. 2019. Consumer expectations: a new paradigm. Business Economics 54(4):199-210.  
  • Curtin, Richard T. 2017. George Katona: a founder of behavioral economics. Routledge Handbook of Behavioral Economics
  • James M Lepkowski, Richard T Curtin, McBee, Rebecca Elizabeth, ElKasabi, Mahmoud , Liu, Mingnan . 2016. Effect of a pre-paid incentive on response rates to an Address-Based Sampling (ABS) Web-Mail survey. Survey Practice 9(4):..  
  • Lepkowski, James M, Curtin, Richard T, McBee, Rebecca Elizabeth, Elkasabi, Mahmoud , Kim, Uiyoung . 2014. A Comparison of ABS Mail and RDD Surveys for Measuring Consumer Attitudes. International Journal of Market Research 56(6):737-756.  
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