Health Decision-Making in the Aftermath of a Disaster: Evidence from Cyclone Idai in Mozambique
Project Summary
Dean Yang, Tanya Rosenblat, James Riddell IV
How do disasters affect individual decision-making about important health behaviors? Can public health interventions reduce disaster-induced deterioration of such decision-making? We explore these questions in the context of Cyclone Idai in Mozambique. We have a research team in the area struck by the cyclone, that was about to start a follow-up survey for impact evaluation of a community-level HIV/AIDS program. This program has risk-coping components that may help people cope with the current disaster. We seek funding to allow us to collect ephemeral data on household preferences and HIV testing and treatment in the immediate aftermath of the disaster. A delay could lead to the reversal of any changes in household preferences, and may also preclude observation of temporary reductions in HIV testing and treatment as health services return to normal. Such changes, even if ephemeral, could have lasting effects via increased HIV transmission in the interim.
UK Department for International Development
(subcontract: Subgrant Agreement MIT0019-X9)
Funding Period: 4/30/2019 to 12/31/2020
UK Department for International Development (subcontract: Subgrant Agreement MIT0019-X9)
Dean C Yang
Project Period
4/30/2019 to 12/31/2020