Michigan Center on the Demography of Aging (MiCDA)
Project Summary
The Michigan Center on the Demography of Aging (MiCDA) promotes new research on the demography and economics of aging across four signature themes: chronic disease and disability; life course determinants of late-life health and well-being; aging, genetics, and social science; and economics of savings and retirement. The Center also promotes the wide use of Michigan’s key aging-related data collections, notably the Health and Retirement Study and the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. In addition, the Center fosters national and international collaboration through coordination of several research networks, funds pilot projects, distributes research findings by affiliates, and supports a secure statistical enclave for access to restricted aging-related data. The Center provides coordinating support to all NIA Centers and collaborates with the Population Reference Bureau to widely disseminate all Centers’ research findings.
Vicki A Freedman, James S House, Maggie Levenstein, Colter Mitchell, Amanda J Sonnega