New Methods to Support Census Bureau Record Linkage
Project Summary
This project is undertaking research that will improve Census capabilities for entity resolution and record linkage. We have brought together world-class researchers from multiple disciplinary backgrounds, including statistics, survey methodology, economics, history, computer science, and demography. Through this work, we will:
- build on ongoing projects linking Census data products to themselves, to external surveys, and to administrative data
- develop and evaluate approaches that show substantial improvements over current best practices in record linkage and entity resolution
- produce usable and useful diagnostics that can provide substantial improvements in record linkage assessment, with metrics of quality that capture bias and uncertainty
As part of a collaboration with the U.S. Census Bureau, the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research (ISR) has started a working group on record linkage. Join us as ISR researchers and others discuss their ongoing projects on record linkage and related topics.
This project is funded by U.S. Census Bureau cooperative agreement CB21RMD0160004.
Maggie Levenstein, Michael G Mueller-Smith, Matthew D Shapiro