A stack of coins with a flow linear graph.

Stone Center for Inequality Dynamics

Data & Methods, Economics, Inequality, Life Course

Project Summary

The James M. and Cathleen D. Stone Center for Inequality Dynamics (CID) was founded at the University of Michigan Institute of Social Research in 2019. The mission of CID is to: produce cutting-edge research on social inequality, especially wealth inequality, train the next generation of inequality scholars, and build data infrastructure and increase data accessibility. We pursue these aims as an interdisciplinary group of social scientists working in a collaborative space. Our team includes experts on topics such as wealth and income inequality, economic mobility, economic history, economic sociology, and housing. Together, we examine how between-group inequalities are shaped by geographic, political, and institutional contexts.


Alexandra Achen Killewald, Pablo A Mitnik, Joe LaBriola, Sun Kyoung Lee

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