Health visitor taking data

Strengthening the Criminal Justice Administrative Records System to address limitations in data integration between criminal justice and public health


Project Summary

Michael Mueller-Smith

This grant supports the maintenance and expansion of the Criminal Justice Administrative Records System (CJARS) to include health- and public-health-related measures in its planned web-based data portal; to expand data-collection efforts geographically (by state) and by types of criminal justice system procedures; and to increase the data linkages of CJARS data and other health-related data to the United States Census Bureau’s data network. CJARS is a data-infrastructure initiative at the University of Michigan, in cooperation with partners at the Census Bureau, and is leading the way to a nationwide, integrated data system that will support the next generation of criminal justice research and data-informed policymaking to improve the public administration of the criminal justice system in the United States. Deliverables will be an expanded web-based portal and data coverage and a report on efforts to increase data linkages.

Funding Source: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Funding Period: 11/15/2021 – 11/14/2024


Robert Wood Johnson Foundation


Michael G Mueller-Smith

Project Period

11/15/2021 - 11/14/2024

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