Kristi E Gamarel

Kristi E Gamarel

John G Searle Assistant Professor of Health Behavior and Health Education, Associate Professor of Health Behavior and Health Equity, School of Public Health and Research Associate Professor, Population Studies Center, Institute for Social Research


Kristi Gamarel’s (she/her) program of research focuses on addressing health inequities among LGBTQ+ communities within the context of HIV, mental health, substance, use, and healthcare access. Her research is largely focused using CBPR principles in the development and evaluation of community-engaged interventions.  She is founding member of the “Love Her Collective” which is a community-academic partnership with the Trans Sistas of Color Project (TSoCP). Through qualitative research, survey research, and intervention studies, the “Love Her Collective” is engaged in a number of research projects designed to address social determinants of HIV, including violence, gender affirmation, economic vulnerability, and health-harming legal needs. She also works closely with her mentees on the development of their independent programs of research, often focused on understanding the structural drivers of health inequities. An additional area of her research focuses on dissemination and implementation science, including peer-delivered and digital health interventions. She has been actively involved with the Adolescent Medicine Trials Network for HIV Interventions (ATN) since 2014, including serving as a Protocol Chair for the ATN 157 and ATN 167 research protocols. She co-created and currently directs the ATN Communication-Dissemination Hub, which focuses on expediting the gap between research, practice, and policy and ensuring youth engagement throughout the ATN. 

She serves an Associate Editor for Annals of Behavioral Medicine and is a member of the HIV/AIDS Intra- and Inter-personal Determinants and Behavioral Interventions (HIBI) study section for the National Institutes of Health. She is the Health Behavior and Health Equity Doctoral Curriculum Committee Chai and is a Research Associate Professor in the Population Studies Center, working closely with its pre- and post-doctoral training programs. She prioritizes cultural humility in her research, teaching, and mentoring.

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