Infrastructure & Innovation

Scientific discoveries are the foundation of prosperity and social progress, but such discoveries cannot take place without strong data resources and research funding. Your partnership will help the University of Michigan lead the way in the pursuit of transformational science by creating an environment where good ideas can thrive.

  • Pioneer the future of ethical data practices: Remove embedded inequalities in traditional approaches to data collection, usage, and application. Provide national and international level guidance on data practices.
  • Provide equitable access to data: Ensure continuous open access to valuable data resources for all, with attention to under-resourced scholars and institutions.
  • Fund innovative science in the early stages: Support high-risk, high-reward research by up-and-coming scholars through flexible funding for work that lives at the intersection of the sciences. Offer strategic pilot grants to catalyze novel research around understudied topics.
  • Support innovative research during critical times: Sustain important research activities during times of need by providing bridge funding, quick grants, and microgrants for scholars while they work toward more sustainable funding.

If you are interested in learning more about Infrastructure & Innovation, please reach out to Henry Jewell.

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