Walter Dempsey Focuses on Adaptive Intervention Technology in Latest Insight Speakers Series Talk
May 26, 2022
Contact: Jon Meerdink, [email protected]
ANN ARBOR – The Institute of Social Research turned its attention to health disorder research with the latest edition of the Insights Speaker Series on Thursday, May 19.
Walter Dempsey, research assistant professor at Data Science for Dynamic Intervention Decision-making Center (d3c), presented research on experimental designs and new data analytics tools being used to create treatment plans for certain health conditions.
Dempsey’s research centers around adaptive intervention technology, which responds to changes in patient condition as well as patient activities to offer treatment options or behavioral adjustments that could improve patient outcomes.
“This ongoing information can come from both sensors and self-reporting,” Dempsey said. “The best way to think about this is if I’m an individual in one of these studies, I’m having data collected on me through both self-reports, say a self-report on my phone on my current mood or current level of stress, and then I also have wearable data that’s being collected through a device like an Apple Watch or a FitBit, and all of that data is going into a database that is accessible by the team.
“The goal is to provide the most effective intervention option given the patient’s context and state.”
View Dempsey’s full talk below for more information on what he and the research team uncovered through their data studies. Learn more about the Insights Speaker Series at ISR.