Diverse Females Involved in STEM

Landscapes of Population Health

Data & Methods, Health, Inequality, Sustainability

Project Summary

Landscapes of Population Health (“Landscapes”) is an interdisciplinary research collective that includes historians, sociologists, psychologists, epidemiologists, and statisticians who bring their expertise in historical and contemporary racial violence and control, environmental justice, epigenomics, and population health to study the link between structural racism and population health. We bring together critical theories from the humanities and innovative potential biological mechanisms from the bench and medical sciences to better understand the root causes of patterns in population health. Our work includes active data collection, work on existing data sets, and the development and implementation of measures. In addition to our focus on the science itself, we are committed to changing the demography of the scholars who drive our epistemology.

Landscapes Collaborators outside of ISR


Margaret Takako Hicken, Helen Carmon Spink Meier, Kira S Birditt, Reed Thomas DeAngelis, David Lee Rigby

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